Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reflection on Scheuermann

Michael Scheuermann seems to have quite a few things figured out concerning online learning. A very good article with tons of great reminders. A must read for all online teachers at DC. My experiencial learning at USD involved taking a great course online with Marcy Reisetter. We had groups of 3 where we had to pick a time to review the chapter and discuss everything online.I was very afraid I wouldn't do well, would not like my 2 group mates, or things just wouldn't work.
We had topic starters and discussion questions- and 90 minutes to type, respond, etc...
It turned out to be very fun, very entertaining. Our group partners gave us an evaluation of how we did, then the teacher scored our overall knowledge of the topic based on our online reflections/ discussions. I benefited a lot from reading, making notes, preparing for the discussions,and then  finally giving my input. I felt like I was part lecturer, part learner, part blogger, and a small part just goofing around with friends in class, which was healthy as well.

We picked Thursday at 8:30-10:00 pm- since it worked for everyone. It was fun to have that time over with, relax and watch the evening news, hit the hot tub, and then get to bed feeling lot class (that one) was over for the week.

One interesting thing the TA did- was very important. We had two follow-up questions that we had to answer- based on our online submissions. Those were almost always things we had shied away from or didn't understand!  

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