Saturday, October 11, 2014

Chapter 3 was very interesting to me. I will really be able to use the guide to organizing an online class. Some of it seems like common sense, but it is nice to know that you are on the right track.
It talks about allowing students to take the quiz as many times as they want- keeping the highest score, to make them more familiar with the material. Here is what I was wondering- would it be best to allow them to keep their best score, or to allow them to keep their average score, throwing out the worst result, and capping it at 6 attempts?

I will allow them to retake, cap it at 6 attempts, throw out their lowest score, and not allow the first attempt t be thrown out. This way- practice helps, you can't just ram thru it a bunch of times, the first result must stay so you would be wise to know what is going on before you take the quiz, and the instructor will know how many attempts you used- thereby being able to gauge student persistence.

I would really like feedback on this :)


  1. I'm testing the whole 5 attempts with keeping the highest score idea this week. I'm curious to see how it works. The past 3 quizzes I have given have averaged 60% ... this is because the students are not reading. I'm wondering if they will actually take the time given (7-days) to take a quiz, figure out what they did wrong, and then try again or ram through the attempts. I have the quiz pull random questions, so they will get a few repeats but not the same quiz over and over. I would like to know if your idea is possible in Canvas -- keep the first quiz score but allow multiple attempts.

  2. I am not sure how I feel about the multiple attempts. I do like taking an average of attempts vs high score. I feel like if the students know they have multiple attempts, they will not read/watch power points and just jump to the quizzes. I like the idea of providing immediate feedback once an answer is submitted. At the end of the module, I give an exam which includes the themes of the quizzes, so giving feedback immediately will reinforce the right information to better prepare them for the exam. I guess it is something to play with to see if - at least for me - to allow multiple attempts to see if it changes the outcome. Perhaps I am old school and need to visit my thoughts the multiple attempts. What happened to either you know it or you don't? Why lower the standard? I better type this all out in my blog - I am starting a soap box here!!!

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I want quizzes to be a way to check and see if the students are reading.
